Noise Abatement

The noise abatement procedures set out below apply to all aircraft using the aerodrome. All times listed are local time.


  1. Pilots using the aerodrome are to operate their aircraft in a manner that will cause the minimum of disruption and disturbance to local residents.
  2. Runway 08R/26L is the preferential runway. Runway 08L/26R is only used when Runway 08R/26L is unserviceable.
  3. Fixed-wing aircraft departing from Runway 08L/R must climb straight ahead, tracking the extended centre-line, until passed Henhaw Farm before turning on track. A diagram of the departure route is available here.
  4. Fixed-wing aircraft departing Runway 26L/R must climb straight ahead, tracking the extended centre-line, until reaching the centre of Benting Wood before turning on track. A diagram of the departure route is available here.
  5. Multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft may only use Runway 18/36 when the surface wind precludes the safe use of Runway 08R/26L.
  6. During ATC hours of operation all ground running of helicopter engines for maintenance purposes is subject to ATC approval. Except for Police and Air Ambulance helicopters ground runs may not take place prior to 0800 hours or after 2100 hours.
  7. Except for Police, Air Ambulance and based news gathering helicopters flights are not normally permitted during the period 0001 hours to 0700 hours Monday to Saturday or during the periods of 0001 hours to 0800 hours and 2200 hours to 2359 hours on a Sunday.
  8. Helicopters departing from the Runway 18 displaced threshold markings to the north are to use their best angle of climb speed.
  9. Except for Police or Air Ambulance flights helicopter departures or arrivals below the circuit altitude via the Runway 18 displaced threshold markings are not permitted.
  10. Helicopter departures and arrivals via the Runway 18 displaced threshold markings are not permitted if the tail wind component exceeds 10kts.


  1. Circuit training by multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft is not permitted on Runway 18/36.
  2. Circuit training by multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft, except night flying, is not permitted after 1830 hours or at any time on a Sunday.


  1. Helicopter night flying training is not permitted after 2359 hours Monday to Friday.
  2. Helicopter night flying training is prohibited on Saturday and Sunday.


  1. Aerobatic manoeuvres, within the ATZ, may only take place when authorised by the Aerodrome Manager.